LEAN Og Six Sigma Online Kurser
Gennemfør dit gratis online kursus her og bliv certificeret i dag
Lean foundation online kursus og certificering Six sigma white belt online kursus
E-learning on 3 belt levels
Our e-learning study packages are available on 3 belt levels. You will have solid knowledge while you can control your learning.
E-learning includes all this:
- 12 months online access to educational material
- 12 months of support from a Master Black Belt coach
- 10 x VIP invitation to LEAN Six Sigma networking and support days
- 1 x free LEAN Six Sigma pocket guide (value 349 DKK)
- 1 x license to Sigma XL – Statistical software (value 1.750 DKK)
- IASSC-accredited material (read more)
- Online exam and test module before the exam
- Diploma for successful e-learning course
- Access to the newsroom with articles on Lean Six Sigma
- Templates and data files of papers

Lean Kursus
Six Sigma Kursus
RPA Kursus
Customer benefits:
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E-learning is not a certification
LSV Group’s e-learning courses should provide with professional skills within the LEAN Six Sigma methods, but is not a certification in the various belts, because you need to have completed a practical project to be certified. But you still need to pass an exam proving that you have completed the study and master the methods and models as required at the various levels.
Terms & Conditions
Click here to read our Terms and Conditions, that apply when you purchase e-learning courses.
To obtain the IASSC certification you will need to go through additional training as well as complete a project. Contact us at 88776006 or email uddannelse@lsvgroup.com, and learn more about how you can become IASSC-certified through the purchase of e-learning.
Discount on classroom training
If you have bought an e-learning course and would like to switch to classroom training, where you can become internationally certified, we deduct the cost of your e-learning course from the price of the training. Note that it has to be on the same belt level.